We <3 Creative Europe
Wow. To be 1 out of just 14 animation projects to receive development funding from Creative Europe. That makes us just so darn proud.
This means that MINNA & THE DREAMBUILDERS can hold a completely awesome pixar inspired workshop where immensly talented people will pour all their great ideas
into the film and we can just paddle around in a pool of creative bliss, picking and choosing to our liking. And the best part: We will pay people to be part of our development.
Believe it or not, that is not too common these days. But now we have that possibility, and I promise you that we will take the money and do our absolute best
to get as much of it into the film, so we can make a kick-ass film that will awe the shizzle out of everyone and really cement that Danish animation is great…
So, no pressure 🙂 Just hard work.
Giant shout out to Producers Lise Saxtrup and Nina Lyng for letting me see (read: borrow from) their previous applications. I could not have done it without them. Or the invaluable help from Danish Creative Europe desk, Ene Katrine Rasmussen. You ladies ROCK!
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